Showing posts with label Supersport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supersport. Show all posts

When WWE Will Start Streaming Exclusively On Netflix And Exit SuperSport, DStv And GOtv Across Africa?


Last month, it was reported US streaming giant Netflix that it had acquired the broadcasting rights for WWE shows and specials in the US, Canada, Latin America and other international markets. With growing fears looming around DStv, MultiChoice had issued a statement.

"WWE events, including RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam and Royal Rumble will continue being available on SuperSport".  "As Africa's premium sports broadcaster, we're pleased to continue entertaining our viewers with the best in international wrestling".

In November 2022, MultiChoice and the WWE announced a major broadcast partnership and said in a statement that it will see Showmax becoming the new home of WWE Network in Africa. Only the streaming portion never to pass as seen with the linear offering on DStv.

Beginning in January 2025, Netflix will be the exclusive new home of Raw in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Latin America, with more territories to be confirmed soon and others added overtime. Raw will be exiting linear television since it's inception 31 years ago.

Although Netflix won't get access to WWE's extensive line-up of shows when it streams in selected territories by 2025 due to an existing agreement with MultiChoice. They may be able to snatch the rights from the pay-tv company once it expires in 2027.

This means Netflix can only become the official home of the WWE Network in Africa two years after it launched elsewhere meaning by late 2027 or early 2028. Raw, SmackDown and various other content from WWE would have exited linear television after 26/7 years in Africa.

10 Real Freak Accidents In WWE


Freaking accidents can be regarded as an accidental event that resulted in physical and mental harm. A freak accident can happen and this extends to superstars in WWE. Throughout WWE there had been several incidents where a superstar is involved in an accident either inside or outside of the circle. These accidents sometimes altered their career even ended their life.

Thankfully all the individuals on the list lived to tell the tale now a look at the 10 WWE wrestlers involved in a freak accident.

10. Randy Orton injured himself

The WWE wrestler had his fair share of freak accidents throughout his career but perhaps the most unusual freak accident involved him dislocating his shoulder at the 2010 Over The Limit PPV in his match with Edge.

He was setting up for an RKO by pounding his fist to the mat and that's how he wind up dislocating his shoulder. This had to be one of the weirdest ways anyone would injure themselves while wrestling. Due to the injury, Orton and Edge would have change the match if he was gonna walk out alive.

9. Shane McMahon is in a helicopter crash

Shane McMahon has been involved in dramatic stunts throughout his career and he managed to survive them all without serious injury.

However in 2017, Shane's life flashed before his eyes as he was involved in a helicopter crash that took place at the coast island of New York. The helicopter suffered engine failure forcing the helicopter to plummet onto the water.

The pilot had no choice but to call an emergency landing and legal authorities were able to handle the matter and no one was hurt and Shane addressed the whole matter in an interview:

Well, it's very unsettling when you have all of a sudden something happen. You hear a bang and then you say "we're gonna do an emergency landing in the water" yes it was unnerving.

8. Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder and Justin Robert's Limo Crash

In 2012, news broke out on WWE's website about the incident following the stars gig at Comic Con. The car unexpectedly went at the back of the limo. Robert suffered serious injury while Ziggler and Ryder were fine. Justin Roberts now an AEW announcer discussed this in an interview:

It was a big limo, so we couldn't tell exactly what was going on outside, but we merged on to a highway and then we braked. Zack basically slid down the bench, Dolph and I were sitting in the back facing forward and Zack was on the bench sitting sideways. Then, out of nowhere we got hit pretty hard.

7. The Undertaker's iconic entrance goes horrifically wrong

At the 22nd Hall Of Fame, The Undertaker obtained a reputation of being one of the toughest man to step foot into the WWE ring. He had the ability to push through injuries and personal turmoil to deliver his best performances as he never wanted to let his peers or fans down.

It was clear at the 2010 Elimination Chamber PPV, during his entrance his pyro malfunctioned and he recieved third degree burns, his hat and coat were burnt and it was even a miracle that he could even compete.

He had to apply water to the injury and the winner Chris Jericho revealed that he was able to smell the flesh burn off his skin and was amazed The Undertaker was pulling through.

6. Vince McMahon's Quad Tear

Although 2005 Royal Rumble should be known for Bautista winning the annual matchup. In reality, it's known for WWE Chairman Vince McMahon tearing both of his quads following a botched match where the referees declared John Cena and Bautista champions.

This resulted in Vince McMahon angrily entertaining the ring but tear both his quads while entering. It left him to set awkwardly in the ring and tell WWE officials what to do. He managed to walk out the ring without assistance considering a quad tear is one of the most painful experiences an athlete can face.

5. Seth Rollins Knee Injury

In 2015, Seth Rollins was in the middle of a 220 day reign as WWE Champion when a random freak accident with Kane changed everything. Rollins would go for a Sunset Power Flip Buckle and would tear his ACL and MCL and it couldn't be avoided and it was no fault of either man at the match of course the injury would put him out of action for 6 months forcing him to relinquish his championship.

This would be a huge blow for WWE as Seth Rollins became the top heel of the company and his injury altered their plans.

4. Vic Joseph in a car crash

After The Bell podcast showcases real life stories WWE talents have kept private. It was the place where Vic Joseph had to brief everyone in on the incident before his time on WWE.

I've never talked about this publicly, I went from the back seat to the front seat, and had to go to speech therapy to learn how to talk. There is a scar under my face that no one sees. My knee from top to bottom was completely out. I was on the side of the road with a white sheet over me. That's how bad it was, I'm being dead serious. I moved and they screamed 'he's alive'. They put me on a gurney, cut my shirt off and I made a joke. I woke up with a neck brace on. I have a scar on my face and there's still a piece of glass in there.

He even discussed how he had to learn and do speech therapy again and meet several WWE stars.

I had to go to speech therapy and learn how to talk, I went to an independent show and I met Rhyno. He and I closer than most people care to know. He is family to me. He said "start jumping in the car with me on my off weekend". Every weekend, I was in the car with him. He let me pick his brain in for hours in the car. He introduced me to Person A and B. I ended up meeting Tommy Dreamer. He had a promotion he was running. The day his promotion was going. He asked me if I wanted to call the show. This  is what stated me on the road to WWE.

3. Triple H Quad Year

WWE Legend Triple H hasn't been lucky when it comes to injuries. He's torn his quad twice during his career and both occasions were freak accidents.

In 2001, as he enters Raw to to stop the welds of Chris Jericho and this resulted him struggling to put weight on one side of the leg another incident happened in 2007 when Triple H would perform a spin buster on Randy Orton.

2. Randy Orton's motorcycle accident

Randy Orton hit headlines in 2008 after it was announced that he was involved in a motorcycle accident that could have ended in tragedy. Orton who had been riding for a month revealed he was riding on a short sharp curve when a vehicle came in his way forcing him to make a huge turn hurt a curb and fly out of his bike to the ground.

In an interview he revealed he was lucky to have survived:

When I came to, I know I had rebroken my collarbone, When the police and foremost fireman got there, they asked me "where's the guy in the wreck" and I said "it was me". Without a helmet, I would be dead. Now that I have a newborn daughter, so much was going through my head.

1. Ric Flair's Plane Crash

On October 4th, 1975 Ric Flair's career almost ended when he was involved in a plane crash which took the life of the pilot and paralysed Johnny Valentine. Flair broke his back in 3 different places and was told he wouldn't be able to wrestle again but Flair had no plans to retire at the age of 26 as he entered intense therapies and returned to the ring in under 3 months which resulted in him changing his in ring style to one fans are accustomed to and this resulted in Flair wrestling until his mid 60s.

The Controversial History Of WWE's Most Prestigious Wrestlers, The Fabulous Moolah


The Fabulous Moolah was born Mary Ellison in 1923. Born and raised in the American south, by the 1930s Ellison was attending local wrestling shows with her fatherb seeing the polarizing women of the time; Mar Young, Mildred Burke, and Cecilia Blevins. From this point on Ellison was hooked on the sport and wanted to be a star. The story that follows is one of success and triumph, but also a tale of dark secrets, drugs, and deceit. Fabulous Moolah ran the women’s wrestling world for 30 plus years, and it wasn’t always a world of glitz and glam. The wrestler Moolah and the promoter, booker, and trainer Moolah have two very different, but equally dark histories.

Mary Ellison Becomes The Fabulous Moolah

During the early part of Moolah’s career, she was under the tutelage of Mildred Burke and her husband Billy Wolfe. Burke and Wolfe were, at the time, the premier bookers and promoters for almost all of women’s wrestling. The Burke/Wolfe playbook also asked for their contracted talent to engage in sexual favors with other promoters for preferential bookings, on top of an already huge booking percentage of all payouts. Ellison refused to participate in these practices, causing tension between her and Wolfe.

By the mid-50s Moolah and her husband Buddy Lee were using their own versions of Burke’s practices and had started booking and promoting their own women wrestlers, and booking them against their rivals. After Burke and Wolfe’s retirement, Moolah would have a stranglehold on the world of women’s professional wrestling. The same woman who broke barriers, like being the first woman to wrestle at the historic Madison Square Garden Arena, was now building walls to prevent the growth of the sport.

The Fabulous Moolah Becomes A Promoter And Booker

During this part of Moolah’s career, she would feed and house her trainees and wrestlers. Some women Moolah booked and trained told stories of the property being locked down by a certain point, and if you weren’t home in time, you would be left out until morning. These were not provided accommodations either. Moolah was collecting rent from the women who stayed there, living two and three people in a single room efficiency style cabin, charging upwards of $1,200 a month for their rooms in the 1970s. With inflation that equates to about $9,100 if charged today.

The financial strain didn’t end there. With Moolah and Lee handling all the women’s promoting and booking, women’s wrestling went through the Fabulous Moolah, so if a woman was booked to wrestle, she was also collecting a 25% booking fee of their payout whether they were “one of her girls” or not.

That means, “Moolah’s Girls” were also paying the 25% on top of their already outlandish rent. This, mixed with the allegations of forced sex, drug use, prostitution and theft, left the wrestling world buzzing when women started coming forward. The training schedules, the booking schedule, and the expectations Moolah had for the women wrestlers was also extreme. Princess Victoria was a superstar trained and booked by Moolah, who experienced a tragic career ending injury. Victoria aas quoted as saying that she was thrown out with almost nothing to her name, but would refute the allegations of Moolah being a pimp.

“Moolah was not a pimp and she hated drugs. She did steal from all of her girls including me, but she was the only way to keep wrestling back then, so it was Moolah or almost nothing. […] I think [The WrestleMania Battle Royal] should have stayed named after Moolah, no matter how crooked she was, she is and was a very important part of women’s wrestling and if they are going to do her like this, then Snickers better reevaluate their sponsorship on all sports after the many arrests made for multiple different things in sports.”

“My neck was broken in the ring and I was basically thrown out with no medical attention and very little to my name. I am now fully disabled sometimes having to use a wheelchair due to the lack of medical attention. I have had multiple concussions and have donated my brain for a future lawsuit to prove that we wrestlers have been misused by the WWE for many many years. […] I want nothing to do with the WWE and will not, even if invited to allow my name to be in their so-called Hall of Fame.”

The Fabulous Moolah Was Part Of The Original "Screwjob"

Moolah’s wrestling career inside the ring was just as cloudy as her booking and training reputation. During the early parts of her career, Moolah had a reign with the Women’s Wrestling World Championship that would rival Sammartino. Her initial reign lasting 10 years was ended, but she quickly and suspiciously picked the title back up almost a month later.

Then in the 1980s came the Rock and Wrestling connection. Along with that came a new and electric following for professional wrestling. With this following came a new star named Wendi Richter. Richter would go on to dethrone the reigning queen of wrestling. After 28 years of dominating the sport, with two generations coming and going, Richter was now the world champion.

After the match, during house shows, there were more rumors surfacing of Moolah intentionally trying to hurt Wendi in matches. Then, one night on the card, there was no Moolah, but instead Wendi was wrestling the “Spider Lady.” Through politics and the inner workings of WWE, Moolah would participate in the match under a masked disguise. This was the original WWE screwjob. After a small package rollup, the referee counted three despite a clear kick out by Richter. Richter left wrestling that night, and ultimately never returned, after giving her everything.

Whether or not fans believe the accusations, one thing is for sure. If it were not for the Fabulous Moolah, women’s wrestling would not be where it is. Changing the names of battle royals or memorials won’t answer the bigger question, however. What cost did it take to get us here?

Credits: The Sportster

10 WWE Superstars That Hated Each Other In Real Life


When you are WWE Superstar you don't expect to get along with everyone in the locker room. Sometimes the locker room is filled with different personalities and these personalities will clash. Sometimes these feuds are kept private and sometimes made public.

Here is a countdown to the 10 WWE feuds:

10. Matt Riddle and Seth Rollins

In 2019, Riddle's wife posted a negative video about Becky Lynch. This didn't sit well with Rollins so he vowed to never work with him.

During an interview, Riddle made the following statement:

I'll be honest, I've met Seth multiple times and he's met me and I don't think we'll ever be best friends, I don't think we'll like one another, we're just two different people. Although we love wrestling, I love my significant other said something about Becky that they didn't like and I did not like or agree with it. Seth didn't like me after that and I don't think Becky liked me or my wife either, which is understandable it is what it is.

The two ended up working together in 2020 so its unclear about the status between the two.

9. Becky Lynch and Nia Jax

Although it hasn't been confirmed, it's rumoured that these two never got along after Nia Jax broke Becky's nose in 2018 on Raw. Following that incident, the two have hardly been seen working together and what's strange is WWE never booked a march considering how publicized her injury was.


Following Nia's release from WWE, she took to social media to address things from politics to covid. She even compared mask wearing to the horrors of the Ukraine war - controversial. Becky unfollowed her building up to that feud.

8. Paul Heyman and AJ Styles

The two had a great relationship when Paul Heyman managed Raw between 2019 and 2020. Paul Heyman considered him one of the best wrestlers to be put in WWE. However this relationship turned sour when Luke and Carls Andersen were released from WWE.

Paul Heyman doesn't make the decisions but AJ Styles exaggerated a bit about the whole situation. The two ended up working in different brands never to be put on anything together.

7. Ronda Rousey and Alexa Bliss

When Ronda Rousey joined WWE in 2018, one of the wrestlers she worked with the most was Alexa Bliss. The two never worked well together as Alexa Bliss made it clear after several months that Ronda Rousey was over stooping her in the ring and was almost out of action for a year due to her recklessness.


Nia even give hints to the rumours and Bliss supported it then when Ronda returned and won The Royal Rumble. Alexa made a sarcastic meme written what a surprise.

6. Matt Riddle and Goldberg

Riddle never moves away from voicing his own opinion. Throughout his career, he's never shown any interest to Goldberg. Mocking his wrestling style declares Goldberg a danger to wrestling.

In an interview Goldberg had this to say about the wrestler:

Yeah, the cocky kid, Riddle spouting off his mouth in the beginning and I didn't appreciate it very much by any stretch of the imagination. But the guy has put in a lot of frickin hard work and a lot of frickin hard work and he's dedicated his life to the business.

Whether I like him as a human being or not, I have to understand and appreciate his passion for the business and work ethic.

Because he works hard and that's what I appreciate as an athlete and as a human

Is he a prick sometimes? Absolutely, But that's him, That's his character and so am I.

5. Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair

Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair used to be the best of friends but in 2021 fans found out that wasn't the case. The two used to be inseparable and as both their careers progressed things have changed.

They used to travel to many places together on a tour bus but that's not the case and they hardly speak to each other. No reason was given to the confrontation but it's believed to be Becky's rise in popularity with both women finding men in their lives mean less time spent together.


4. Charlotte Flair and Sonya Deville

This issue was highlighted following the infamous exchange in championship belts in 2021 when Charlotte Flair was suppose switch belts with Becky Lynch but went off script to make her look bad. Not only did it affect Becky but destroyed the authority figure in Sonya Deville.

Sonya was so angry that she wanted to fight Charlotte of course no details were given if she wanted to do anything physical.

3. Matt Riddle and Brock Lesnar

Riddle believes that he should be the one to end Brock Lesnar's career and although he didn't say anything derogatory to him. Lesnar loathe Riddle that he made it clear in the 2021 Royal Rumble that he would never work with him in any capacity.

The two wind up clashing when Riddle continues with his comments but never in single man matches.

2. Booker T. and Corey Graves

In 2018, Booker T. made it clear in a podcast that Graves was the reason he wasn't commentator for Raw and people believed he was going to attack him.

He made somewhat of a bizarre statement:


Corey Graves, right now, I wouldn't necessarily say he's on my bad side but he's the reason I'm not on Monday Night Raw right now.

Because you know what a lot of people in the company thought I was going to jump him, I was going to do something bad to him, I was gonna drag him, I was gonna take him out of the woodshed, I was gonna beat that men so bad, I was gonna beat him until this man say "Please, please, please just don't beat me anymore".

There have been reports that WWE had tried to resolve their issues but no details have been given in regard to their relationship.

1. Matt Riddle and Roman Reigns

In 2021, Matt claimed he could beat him in a fight and had this to say:

No disrespect to Roman, he seems like a swell fella but at the same time, it's like when people say they're a great parent.

You know what? if you were a great parent

When he's saying 'acknowledge me' or 'move the needle', no you don't

You're related to Rock, Shut up

Like I'm not impressed I can beat you up in a real fight

So shut your mouth.

A few months later, it was revealed that he had to write an apology letter which he outright rejected.

Countdown To The Wildest Stories From Dark Side Of The Ring


10. Ric Flair's actions

Plane Ride From Hell was one of the worst instances of nothing going to plan. On that fateful day during WWE's tour of the UK. The plane was delayed for 7 hours and they were on a charter plane WWE stars consumed alcohol and waited for the plane to get going unfortunately the plane stayed long enough for the stars to consume multiple carts of alcohol. While some fooled around with Dustin Rhodes or his wife, Brock Lesnar and Perfect Brawley even cutting of Michael Ace's ponytail.

Things went wrong in a different direction, Ric Flair wore a robe with nothing underneath. According to a flight attendant and several other people, the wrestler cornered her in a plane forcing her to touch him. No one who knew bothered to help except Dustin Rhodes.

Tommy Dreamer revealed the flight attendant a bribe and compared the situation to his haircut which led him to get suspended from Impact Wrestling while Ric Flair possible losing any chance of getting into AEW.

9. Owen Hart's death

One of the saddest episodes of Dark Side Of The Ring, WWE had planned his entrance at the last minute which led to tragedy where he would fall and pass from the impact.

It was revealed in the show that the original plan was to have him lowered from the ceiling but they instead used a new rigging system from one they had initially.

It turned out that the rig that was holding Owen had been built for a sailboat which was designed to hold 6 pounds of pressure. On top of that his wife and son blamed WWE for his death and chose not to let him into the Hall Of Fame. According to people at the scene, Owen Hart's last words before plummeting to his death was "LOOKOUT".


8. Life of Dino Bravo

Bravo was a heel of a wrestler who enjoyed a rich lifestyle. In Montreal, he was famous and respected and was suppose to face Hulk Hogan. WWE couldn't handle having their Babyface being booed at so they swapped the matches and event.

Bravo signed a new deal with WWE which would see him with new look but was repackaged as a heel. When it came time for him to retire, he didn't know what to do as he didn't save money and to try and keep his lifestyle going worked with his uncle in a crime family and a year later he would be found dead with drugs worth $400000 being confiscated.

7. Jimmy Snuka

The controversial wrestler sparked attention for allegations made on the death of his wife. Even before Snuka had killed Nancy. The family had doubts about him with her mother being supportive of their relationship.

There was a time where Snuka would struggle her throat and slapped her and she fled the scene seeking comfort with her sister who encouraged her to exit the relationship but continued on until her death.

Snuka was under investigation as he told different versions of his wife's murder saying she would fall and hit her head and that she was sleeping while he had a match.

There were allegations that WWE founder Vince McMahon offered Nancy's mother hush money of which hasn't been confirmed as there was no evidence of course the case was reopened and Snuka was unable to stand trial due to his dementia and cancer.

6. Godfather Hates Pimps

Despite his character being a pimp, it turned out in his personal life he had a history with pimps before WWE he worked as a bouncer. It was revealed he would hit any pimp that entered the strip club.


5. Brawl For All

JBL wanted to find out who was the toughest man in the locker room though Vince Russo was the one who conceived it. Russo didn't like JBL for the way he was bullying everyone so he figured someone would embarass him.

All those involved suffered immensely while JBL was forced to eat dirt.

4. New Jack's storyline

Jack passed away around the time he was trying a minor who had hoped to face him. Hunter Ray punched him in the face and Jack angry stabbed him multiple times only for Jack to get arrested. Red came to visit him in prison hoping to turn it into a storyline and he agreed and the two never contacted each other again.


3. The killing of Bruiser Brody

One of the most disturbing stories, Brody was one of the most respected wrestlers with his style being influencal. Invader and Brody didn't like each other.

When Invader came to WWE, Brody beat him badly which resulted in Invader holding a grudge. Brody went to WWC and told that he was owed money there. They were also talks of him becoming minority owner there.

Tony Atlas said the locker room there was tense and Brody wasn't looking good asked Tony to sketch a sign. Atlas came with a towel to speak with Brody and heard a punch only to see Invader holding a knife trying to stab Brody again and Tony protected him and laid him on the floor.

The ambulance arrived 45 minutes later, he needed surgeries for the cuts and bruises and Brody was alive when he left the hospital and died later in the morning. No one was arrested, Invader (Jose Gonzalez) got off saying it was self defence while police thought it had something to do with their jobs.

Brody was portrayed as a loving husband and father in Dark Side Of The Ring.

2. North Korea

In 1995, WCW teamed up with North Korea to hold a wrestling event. Ric Flair, Scott and Rick Steiner and several others made the journey. Muhammad Ali managed to make the event thanks to the organizer of the event, Antonio Anoki.

According to Eric Bishop, there was an attendance of 300000 with the audience being forced to attend. A group of wrestlers were confronted by security after trying to play pool. Scott getting his call interrupted as he had to fight with the country.

According to Too Cold Scorpio, he had considered playing the role of Warrior Hog with him taking a hit with a chopstick. Chris Benoit urged him not as he would regret it and Scorpio listened.

1. Grizzly Smith

He wrestled between the 50s and 70s and was father to including Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Rockin' Robin, and Sam Houston. Despite Jake being the most famous no one knew he was part of a wrestling family.

His siblings were estranged to each other as they lived separately for part of their childhood where Jake had to live with his grandfather then abusive husband.

Jake was sexually assaulted by his stepmother when he told his father she abused him. He found out Grizzly had been doing the same to his sister Robin from the time she was 8.

Robin revealed her mom left with her when she told her of the situation. Grizzly's fifth child was married and had a child by the time she was 18 then she was kidnapped and her husband was convinced although no body was found.

Robin believed that her father may have some involvement in the death of her sister. One time, he showed up at her house with a 9 year old girl and discovered Grizzly had been treating her the same way as her.

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The Mind Bongling Reason SuperSport Has Two WWE Channels


SuperSlam (former name) launched as a a promotional channel back in August 2019 with some outlets referring to it as The WWE Channel and would continue running until the end of that year. The pop-up version was bombarded with repeats and yes Total Divas would constantly hit the restart button.

From January 2020, the channel was officially renamed into The WWE Channel and became a full-time brand for SuperSport not only that they incorporated NXT and 205 Live which weren't available on SuperSport at the time lost rights to WWE alongside content that was only found only on the WWE app.

2020 was also the year where COVID-19 became a trendsetter causing setbacks in people's daily lives. On cable, you got to see viewers lose out on several channels while others were reshuffled and that's where SuperSport comes in.

In September 2020, the brand followed Sky in the UK and launched thematic channels. Not only that WWE could also be found on channel 236.

Now here's the issue, SuperSport gave the WWE Channel a different logo on top of that other channel number and viewers woke up and saw two WWE Channels and it wasn't even using the SuperSport logo.

Since then viewers have been complaining about it not only that UFC had its own channel now viewers have a hard time catching up due to the reshuffle. Once again proving that bigger brands (in this case cash cow) get most of the spotlight.

According to their customer care, both channels will remain as they are mirrored channels with the same content, the reason is to try and get WWE closer to their sports content (SuperSport), without affecting those who are accustomed to 128.

Now this is just ridiculous, viewers experience change everyday so I'm certain they're immune to these things look at BBC First and Disney XD for starters. Now tell me where was that energy when those channels were canned. Perhaps the other reason 128 is alive to keep Ginx TV on 127 company since they're both sports and entertainment brands.

The least SuperSport could have done was perhaps make 236 a timeshift channel where viewers get to watch everything an hour later kind of like what M-Net has with its M-Net +1 on channel 901 but hey that would impact negatively as it already is with DStv attempt to cutback on duplication and 236 is not a place for timeshift channels.

So how long do you suppose M-Net +1 will stick around with the likeness of Catch Up and the fact that content from M-Net resurfaces on its other channels. In the end, MultiChoice just proved to everyone once again why viewers should be disappointed and rather downgrade, cancel or look into other alternatives.

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